Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy Halloween!

*Edit:  Due dates changed on the social studies project to later in the month.

I apologize for this update getting out late.


We started division strategies this week.  Everyone was a little hesitant at first, but I think we're coming along after today.  We are starting off very basic and working with small remainders.  I will be introducing a game this week called "Remainders Win" that will help students grasp this concept a little better.  We've done a few checkpoints and everyone has shown improvement!


We start diving into the "meat and potatoes" this week.  As a class we're still building our stamina, but I am confident that I can now pull the small groups aside to work with them.  CAFE conferences are starting up as well.


Just a reminder there is no spelling test this week.  However on Wednesday they will get a new list and we start right back up again.  Packets will be going home with those students who have requested them.

Social Studies

We finished chapter 1 of Washington State history, which was just a brief overview of what history is and why we study it.  This week we will start setting the stage and studying the geography of this beautiful state.  We are going to have a project of sorts.  Students will be writing a friendly letter describing a place in Washington.  A checklist will go home on Thursday that will explain what they need to do.  The rough draft is due Tuesday, November 4 Friday, November 21.  We will go through edits that day during class, take them back home and the final draft will be due Friday, November 7 Tuesday, November 26.  It is optional to have the final draft typed.  Students must use their best handwriting both drafts.


Several students have been asking about science.  I'm really wanting to get started in science as well.  I will be meeting with the elementary science coordinator for the district on Monday so that I can have a better understanding of what we need/should be doing and then get that started.  However, we will be visiting the Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail on Monday, November 10.  The students are super excited for this opportunity.  Feel free to click the link to learn more about the trail.  Please turn in the permission slips ASAP!!

I hope you have a fantastic week!

~Ms. B

Friday, October 24, 2014

Conference Week Wrap-Up

It has been a blast getting to meet again with you during this past week.  Thank you for all your comments and questions.  I have several notes that I will be following up on over the weekend and into next week.  Thanks again!

Hope everyone got a chance to visit the book fair.  From what I hear, there was a lot of great books to choose from.  I do ask that the spy pens please stay at home.  They have been causing several distractions in class recently.

Some of you may be confused or curious, but yes, there is no spelling for this next week.  Every 5 weeks we will be taking a one week break from spelling.  This just helps spread the lists out over the course of the school year.

Just to give you a heads up on some upcoming events, we have another field trip on Nov. 10 to the Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail.  On Nov. 13 & 14, we will be participating in 'On Cedar & Salmon' and learning more about the Native American cultures in the Pacific Northwest.  Information and permission slips will be going home on Monday.

As always, please do not hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Have a great weekend!

~Ms. B

Monday, October 13, 2014

Weekly Update 10/13

Happy October everyone!

The air is getting crisp, leaves are turning color, it must be time for...conferences!

Today letters went home with your assigned date and time for conference.  It is on a bright orange sheet of paper.  Please send the bottom portion back ASAP.  If for some reason your time does not work, please let me know so I can reschedule you the best I can.  Both you and your child need to be present so we can work as a team and set goals for this year.  I am super excited to meet with each of you!


In math we are starting to work on 2-digit multiplication.  We've been working with base 10 pieces to visualize the multiplication.  Now we are drawing our arrays on grid paper.  Homework will be going home today, Wednesday and Friday.  As always, homework is due two days after it is assigned.


Today we added another big piece to our daily 5 puzzle.  We are now rotating through Read to Self, Read with a Buddy, Word Work and Work on Writing.  There are mini lessons scattered throughout the rotations to introduce new topics and ideas for the kids to practice as we build our stamina and literacy independence.

I'm also excited to announce that I have started taking additional classes to work towards my reading endorsement.  I'm excited to take what I'm learning about the latest research in literacy education and put it to use right away to help your child become a better reader and a better writer.


I do apologize for the list getting up so late this week.  There was a glitch in the system and it never went through.  Students do receive the new list in their planners as well.  I was hoping to put up the worksheets that I have as well, but due to copyright permissions, I cannot.  Please let me know if you want your child to work on these sheets.  I will be happy to make copies for them to take home.

Other News!!

  • Our class won a party from the summer read-a-thon!  On Friday, October 17th, we will be having root beer floats and pajama day!!
  • Don't forget about the classroom activity fee!  This helps pay for field trips and other fun activities for the class to do all year.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

~Ms. B

Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekly Update 10/6/2014

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  We're really starting to settle into our routine and then they change it on me.  :)  I want to thank everyone for being so flexible.

Due to scheduling conflicts, both MAP tests were taken last week.  Make-ups will be taken care of this week.


We started Unit 2 of Bridges on Friday with starting the initial construction of our Great Wall of Base Ten.  In this unit we will:
  • multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • multiply 2-digit numbers
  • represent multiplication with arrays and ratio tables
  • divide with and without remainders
  • solve multiplication and division story problems
I will be sending home a unit overview that has some examples of the problems we will be working with so you can help your child with their homework.  There are also some frequently asked questions for your reference.


We started Daily 5 and we're having a blast!  This week we will add Reading to Someone and Word Work to our rotation.  We will be breaking up into groups during this time to take our spelling test on Wednesday.  Groups were randomly assigned.  The list for this Wednesday was the one that went home last Monday.  The new list will be up Wednesday evening.  Hopefully this new schedule will allow for more time to study as well.

Other Important News

  • Fall Conferences are just around the corner!  Be on the look out for sign ups to go home this week.  The Book Fair is also the week of conferences.
  • Please remember to turn in the classroom/activity fee!  If you have any concerns, let me know and we can work something out.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

~Ms. B