Classroom ABC's

Attendance - It is so important for your child to be at school on time everyday!  You will significantly increase your child’s chances of success by making sure that he or she is here, and on time, everyday.

Backpacks - Be sure that your child brings his or her backpack to school everyday so that we can be sure everything makes it to and from school.

Conferences - Good communication between home and school is important to your child’s academic success, so Hansen Elementary asks that you and I meet at least twice a year.  I will let you know when the scheduled parent/teacher conferences are, however, I would be glad to meet with you at any time!  Feel free to call or email me.

Dress Code - Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately each day, as is outlined in the school dress code.

Emergency Information - It is incredibly important that I have correct and up-to-date phone numbers for you!  If there is an emergency, I need to be able to contact you, so please let me know if your address or phone number changes during the school year.

Field Trips - We will be planning several field trips this year, that are both fun and education for you child. In fact, we have one already lined up for the end of September! Be sure to return permission slips quickly so that your child will not have to miss any of these wonderful opportunities!

Grades - Your child will be receiving grades this year on his or her report card.  I will send home all graded class work weekly, so you should always be aware of how your child is doing in class.  Please remind your child to always do his or her best work! You are also welcome to keep track via Family Access on Skyward.

Homework - Your child will have a reading log to fill out daily.  These will come home every night and need to be filled out and returned to school each day.  Your child will also have a weekly spelling list to work on.  There will be a spelling packet that goes home Tuesday and is due back on Thursday.  The list will be posted on our class website as well as sites they can use for extra practice.   There will be periodic math homework assigned out of the Home Connections book that they will receive on the first day of school.  This book should also be coming back and forth to school.

Invitations - Students may hand out invitations (for birthday parties, etc.) if there is one for every child in the class.  Otherwise, please take care of this outside of school.  We don’t want anyone to have hurt feelings!  If you need a class list, let me know and I will happily provide you one.
Join HCC- The HCC (Hansen Community Council) is a great way for you to get involved at Hansen Elementary! Information about joining the HCC will be coming home with your child during the first few weeks of school.

Kindness - An important part of a successful classroom is that all students treat one another with kindness.  I expect all students to be kind in their words and actions.

Lunch - Our class will eat lunch 12:25.  You are more than welcome to eat lunch with your child, and this is always such a fun surprise for them!  Please meet your child outside the cafeteria, and don’t forget to check in at the office.

Math - We are starting a new math curriculum here at Hansen called Bridges In Mathematics.  We are all very excited for this new program!  There may be a few bumps as we all adjust, but it will be a fun adventure for all, I just know it!  

Newsletter - The weekly newsletter will be emailed to you each Monday.  Please refer to it for information about important class information. It will also be available on the class website.  If you would like a hard copy, please let me know and I will be happy to provide one for you.

Office - Remember to check in at the office any time you visit school.

Planner - Your child’s planner will be kept in his or her folder.  He or she will use this place to keep track of any missed assignments.  Please check it regularly, especially after any absences.

Questions - If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.  This is the best way to contact me, as I check my email often.  Otherwise, you are welcome to call the office and have them transfer your call to my classroom.

Reading Log - It is recommended that your child should be reading at home every night for at least 20 minutes.  Please be sure that your child records what he or she reads on the reading log that will be kept in their folder.

Super HERO Folder - In order to help your child develop organizational skills, he or she will have a HERO (Helping Everyone Remain Organized) folder, which will go home every afternoon and return to school every morning.  All important papers, including homework, spelling lists, lunch menus, etc, will be kept in this folder.  Please check it daily!

Tests - This year we will be using the Smarter Balanced Assessments in place of the traditional MSP.  More information will go out as we get closer to that, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Updates - Please remember to keep me up-to-date on any important changes in your child’s life.  I care about your child and I want to help him or her be successful, both in and out of school.

Volunteers - If you have any time off during the day and would like to help out in the classroom please let me know.  I would LOVE to have your help if you are willing to volunteer!

Water Bottles - All students are allowed to keep a bottle of water at their desks during the school day.  However, they may not have any other type of beverage in the classroom.  Water bottles may only be refilled at the beginning or end of the day.

X-tra practice at home - If you would ever like any ideas for ways to help your child at home, please let me know and I will be happy to provide you with ideas and resources for extra practice!  You can also check out the class website for ideas and resources.

Your Support - Your support is so important to your child’s success in school!  If you have any question or concerns about anything in our classroom, please contact me.  I am here to help your child be successful!

Zzzzz - Be sure your child gets plenty of sleep each night so that he or she is prepared to do his or her best in class!


Ms. Braford